Shotgun Heavy Melee: Melee Damage bonus increased from (0.1-0.4) to (0.15-0.45).Shotgun Asymmetric Spare Clip: Max Ammo bonus increased from (0.5-0.9) to (0.55-0.95).Pistol Heavy Melee: Melee damage bonus increased from (0.1-0.35) to (0.15-0.45).Pistol Tactical Scope: Accuracy bonus improved from (0.3-0.6) to (0.35 -0.65).

Some weapons were changed either from flat values to ranges, increasing effectiveness at higher ranks, or from ranges to flat values. Flat values are same value for all 10 ranks. Ranges are min value at rank 1 to max value at rank 10 of that weapon. Listed below are the updates by date (from the Bioware website).
#Mass effect andromeda pc vs ps4 update
Mass Effect: Andromeda officially ended patching and new content for single player with Update 1.10 but continues to update the multiplayer side of the game.
#Mass effect andromeda pc vs ps4 Patch
7.2 Patch 1.05 Multiplayer Balance Update.4.1.2 Expanded Male Romance Options for Scott Ryder.